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Winning Work from i2i – Virtual 1

i2i - Inspiring Success - Winning Work - Open Champion Darren Clarke

“If you are at all concerned about moving forward and having an online session with i2i vs face to face, fear not. We took the leap at Virtual 1 and didn’t regret it. 

Tasked with lifting and refocussing colleagues from afar, Michael was just as impactful via our Teams platform as he was when he worked with our senior leadership team in person. 
With i2i it’s the ability to engage an audience with relatable examples and redefine positive belief in others that we love and warm to every time. 

What we value most about the content is that its backed up with science, so it suits the minds of our teams from sales people right through to engineers. This was a critical part of why we selected i2i, alongside bags of positive energy.

Gone are the days of having to spend hours arranging calendars for everyone to make it along, instead it took us just a day to reach almost 90 members of staff. If you’re looking for an immediate impact for your people I recommend contacting i2i.”

Kate Brunning
Director of People, Virtual 1


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